Maternity and Midwifery

Maternity Centre

Our modern facility at Clutha Health First is a primary birthing centre with a reputation for providing one on one care to parents in a friendly, calm and homely environment staffed by a qualified team of Core Midwives and Registered Nurses.

We provide a holistic birthing environment with all the necessary equipment and expertise required to deliver safe care to women experiencing a low risk pregnancy and anticipate a normal birth, and offer women and their families a peaceful, safe and friendly atmosphere in which to begin your parenting journey. We always strive to provide the highest standard of care to women and their whanau/families.

Maternity baby knees and feet

The centre compromises of three private bedrooms with ensuites, a birth room with pool and ensuite and a lounge for you to relax with your family and visitors. We provide a low staff/women ratio to ensure that women can have quality time spent with them when needed. We also cater for fathers/support persons who wish to stay with mothers and their baby.

Our service is free to women of all ages who are eligible for health care in New Zealand hospitals.

The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) is an international programme launched by the World Health Organisation and UNICEF to promote optimal care of mothers and babies by practicing the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding and complying with the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes.

Clutha Health First is currently accredited with the Baby Friendly Initiative for Aotearoa New Zealand. 

Being Baby Friendly 

  • We provide a Baby Friendly service. This means our staff have the knowledge and skill to support you as you and your whānau prepare to welcome baby and after baby is born.
  • We’ll help you understand the benefits of breastfeeding and the appropriate use and risks of bottle feeding, teats and pacifiers.
  • When baby is born, you will enjoy immediate skin-to-skin contact. Baby will stay with you, day and night, until you both go home.
  • We will help you to learn about feeding your baby. We’ll support you through any of the feeding problems some mothers and babies have, including if your baby is receiving medical care and can’t be with you or has special feeding needs.
  • You’ll learn to recognise when your baby is ready to feed and how to respond.
  • When it’s time to go home, we’ll co-ordinate your discharge and ensure there is ongoing support for you, your family and your baby.
  • For more information about New Zealand Baby Friendly Aotearoa please visit - Baby Friendly Aotearoa New Zealand

Clutha Health First Breastfeeding Policy

The Clutha Health First Breastfeeding Policy is reviewed every three years and is available to view by clicking here.

Clutha Health First adheres to the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding


Community Midwives (LMC’s)

Clutha Health First employs a team of four local Lead Maternity Carers, who work collaboratively to provide Midwifery care 24/7 for the residents of the Clutha District. 

We are based from Clutha Health First which is a warm, nurturing environment that offers a sanctuary for new mothers and their families, and provide antenatal and postnatal care in the patient’s home. While we encourage births at our primary birthing facility, we will accompany you should the need arise for you to attend Queen Mary Maternity, our tertiary Maternity Unit in Dunedin, or if you choose to birth at home. 

In the event of complications throughout your pregnancy or birth, our Midwives co-ordinate safe care with obstetricians at Queen Mary Maternity in Dunedin, or with the visiting Obstetrician in Balclutha.

As a team of local Midwives, we aim to establish a partnership with you and your family, where your unique values and beliefs are respected. We provide you with individualised advice and information so that you can make informed decisions during your pregnancy, labour and birth and postnatal period.

Feel free to make contact with our Midwives to discuss any questions or concerns, or arrange care.

  • Michelle Thomson – 027 201 8022
  • Sheryl Smith – 027 201 8137

Our service is free to women of all ages who are eligible for health care in New Zealand hospitals.

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Location: 9-11 Charlotte Street, Balclutha