
Our local health service welcomes referrals from other Health Professionals and Agencies.


Referrals to Community Services

District Nursing, Day Rehabilitation, Occupational Therapy, Social Work and Speech Language Therapy.

All our community services and programmes accept referrals from health professionals, health agencies and patients themselves or their families; that’s because we know that everyone should be able to get help when they need it.

Please download the referral form located here, complete all relevant fields electronically and email to This mailbox is monitored Monday to Friday.

If the referral is urgent, please contact the service directly to discuss the referral prior to sending the electronic form. Our staff may request a copy be sent directly to their service; our staff will advise upon receipt of your phone call. 

Contact details for our services can be found here.


Referrals to Outpatient Specialists

All referrals for Outpatient Specialists are managed electronically and General Practitioners are expected to use the Electronic Referral Management System (ERMS) to complete any referrals needed.


Referrals for Inpatient and Maternity Services

  • Clutha Health First Inpatient Ward accepts patients requiring general medical care and rehabilitation input.  Referrals from health professionals can be made my phoning the Inpatient Ward on 419 0550 and speaking with the duty Medical Officer.  
  • Our Maternity Ward accepts referrals from LMC's, Obstetricians and GPs . Referrals from health professionals should be made by contacting Maternity on 419 0540. 


Health Professionals wishing to Get Setup for ERMS

For Health Professionals that are registered to a professional body, you are welcome to get setup with ERMS to complete electronic referrals if you have not been already. Please contact to request an ERMS Online User Access Deed form and setup information.

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Need to Contact Us?

Phone: 03 419 0500     Email:
Location: 9-11 Charlotte Street, Balclutha