Medical Students

Clutha Health First is a regional teaching centre for fifth year medical students of the University of Otago Rural Medical Immersion Programme. 

Students spend their whole fifth academic year in Clutha in General Practice, the Inpatient Ward, Outpatient Clinics, Maternity, the Mental Health Service, Public Health and the practices in Milton and Lawrence. This is a very successful programme.

Clutha Health First also often has nursing students from Otago Polytechnic and Southern Institute of Technology on placement in the Ward, with the District Nurses, Maternity and General Practice.  Students of the schools of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy also have placements here.

Students in all these areas enjoy their time here. Their work increases their knowledge but also familiarises them with rural health services and life in a rural community. 

The experience is a valuable influence in their decision making for placement and a career when they have graduated.

You may meet with students in all of the services offered by Clutha Health First and the information and experience you share is subject to very strict rules of confidentiality, sensitivity and all students always work under supervision by professional staff.  Should you, at anytime for personal reasons, not wish to have a student involved in your care, please indicate this to a staff member and you will still receive your care without prejudice.

Further Information

For further information on the Rural Medicine Immersion Programme, please contact Dr David Mason, Balclutha Site Co-ordinator on 03 419 0500.

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Location: 9-11 Charlotte Street, Balclutha