Enrolling as a GP patient

How to enroll

Enrolment at our general practice is free, simply complete the enrolment form and email to general.practice@chf.co.nz or leave at our reception; our staff will take care of the rest.

Within a month of becoming enrolled at our practice, we encourage all patients to book a 30-minute appointment with your Doctor for them to get to know you, and discuss your current and ongoing medical care.

Download a GP Enrolment form by clicking HERE


Repeat Prescriptions

Please be advised, requests for repeat prescriptions may take up to 48 hours to complete, please ensure you order your medication well in advance of requiring it. 


General Practitioner gp blood pressure patient

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Phone: 03 419 0500     Email: info@chf.co.nz
Location: 9-11 Charlotte Street, Balclutha